Wednesday, April 6, 2011

22 weeks

Well, it appears the 30 day challenge wagon has loaded up and left town. Maybe it will come back and visit when life settles down. ;)

The past week has been crazy hectic, but I'll update on all that later. For now I just wanted to journal about my dr appt this morning. I had my 3 hour glucose test done, and an ultrasound 2 weeks ago. Both came back normal. They changed the due date to August 7th. I gained a whole 2 lbs, bringing me to 118. Baby's heartbeat was 135, and he apparently REALLY likes my bladder. Or hates it. There was traces of blood in my urine that the dr said is caused by the baby putting too much pressure on my bladder and irritating it. He doesn't always sit that low (Sometimes he is in my right ribcage) but this morning he was especially low and hurting me. All in all, as long as he is happy and healthy, I'm happy to endure pain. I've been really thinking lately about what it is going to be like having another little baby around. I love babies, a LOT. The newborn stage is probably my favorite stage of their lives, because it seems to pass so quickly. I know, it all passes at the same rate, but parents will understand my logic. ;)  I'm so excited to meet Josiah, and watch our little family grow. =)

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