Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cry me a river...

Last week I was asked if I would be interested in teaching the kids on Wednesday nights at church. At first, I was VERY scared. It is intimidating for me to be responsible for teaching my own children, much less someone else's. So I sat in class with another teacher to see if it is a good fit for me. I think it is. I can't let myself become so overwhelmed with fear that I become unable to serve my church. I am currently working through these irrational fears so that I am better able to serve in a greater capacity. I just need to put myself out there more.
Last night while the kids were outside, I was running around pushing them all on the swings. Of course, it was hot and I was out of breath, and my throat got really dry. I tried to get some water, but couldn't bring myself to drink the cloudy water that was coming from the water fountain, so I toughed it out. When I got home and got a drink, my throat was sore. I thought it was just dry from running around. I was hoping to sleep it off, maybe it was just allergies, but it is still here. It feels like it could be the start of strep throat. I really hope it isn't that, again. I have a doctors appointment at 1:30 today. Right in the middle of naptime, with no sitter. Times like this make it a little frustrating to be the SAHM and be responsible for doing everything myself. I don't get sick days. I don't get vacation. Most days, I'm okay with that. Some days, it is hard. Usually my fantastic mother in law will come and watch the kids for us, but she has no phone and I have no idea how to get in touch with her. So at 1:30, right in the middle of naptime, I will load 3 kids up and take them to the doctor with me. Sounds like fun right?!


  1. I really like this post Debbie. You have talent as a writer! And I'm very happy about your decision to start teaching. Do you have any ideas about who would be a good teaching partner with you? And when are you gonna share your blog with the world?

  2. About the teaching...I have no clue. I really don't know of anyone who wants to lol. To the second question...I guess sooner than I realized. I've been outed by Tommy lol! Thanks for the encouragement.

  3. Did I out you? You kind of outed yourself when you posted on Vivian's blog from your blogger profile, which includes a link to your blog. And I asked your permission before linking to you!!! Get your story straight. ;)
