Monday, May 17, 2010

Teething blues

For those of you who spend a lot of time around me and my family, you have probably noticed my sweet little boys wild mood swings. I have been trying to figure out if it is teething, or tantrums (probably both). He has all 4 teeth on top, and just the two middle ones on the bottom. I was expecting the other 2 bottom ones to come in next (because that's how it usually goes) and I have seen the white spots where they are coming in. Well, Sunday when I was trying to lay him down for a nap, I noticed that he isn't cutting 2 teeth, he is cutting 6!! He is cutting all 4 molars and his front teeth! One of his top molars has already half way broke through the skin. I feel so bad for him now because I didn't know how much pain he was in. So for those of you who have had to deal with my child's crazy fits, I am sorry, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully his teeth will hurry and break through, and he can go back to being my sweet, lovable son.

1 comment:

  1. Even with his teething/tantrums.. whatever it is.. he is such a cute little bugger. We love him to death. I'll be glad when he feels better!
