Saturday, March 26, 2011

Who inspires me

The person who most inspires me is my Mawmaw. She is a wonderful, godly woman who has taught me more in her actions and lifestyle than probably any other person. She is a Mom to 8 children, and numerous grandchildren and great grandchildren. She has always made holidays so special, and I'm pretty sure she is responsible for teaching me the true meaning of Christmas. Not that our parents celebrated anything other than Christ on Christmas, but I really learned from her. I remember we would sit down and she would tell us the story of Jesus birth, and we would each have to pick out a bible verse that we liked, and go around the room and read it and say why we liked it. Then she would give out presents. Now, I know how tight money can be, and can only imagine how tight it is with such a large family, but her gifts always meant the most to me. She would make us gives like bunny rabbits, and one year he made us pillows that had a bible verse on it. I still have those things. =) Now she gives us each $2 dollar bills and writes on them. She has endured much hardship, with more grace and dignity than I have ever seen. She is forgiving, loving, and kind-always. Now, I'm sure she fails, and has no problem letting you know her shortcomings. But, at the heart of it, she loves Jesus and desires to serve him and bring glory to his name. There is nothing more beautiful than that in a woman. It wasn't until I was saved that I truly realized that the things she does, the way she acts, the grace she shows is not from herself or for herself, it is a gift of God used to glorify God. I pray that I'm half the woman she is one day.
"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Proverbs 31:30

1 comment:

  1. wow how pretty Debbie you should be a writer your words are so beautiful i want to cry every time i read you blogs but that is a good thing
